Our staff is trained and licensed through the State of Oregon Department of Public
Safety Standards and Training (DPSST).
Services Provided
- 24-hour patrol and protection services
- Prompt response to vehicle accidents, emergencies, and possible safety hazards
- Personal safety escort services
- Victimization avoidance information
- First aid station
- Jump start battery pack for your use
- Lost and found property returns
Annual Safety Reports
These include crimes reported, safety incidents, and Public Safety activity statistics
per Clery Act requirements.
By participating in safety and emergency response trainings, complying with regulatory
expectations, providing safety plans and services, and employing appropriate institutional
risk management strategies, our office seeks to mitigate and minimize risks to lives
and property.
Public Safety officers shall be courteous, friendly, tactful, and diplomatic. In administering
the college's policy and student conduct rules, they'll be firm, professional, equitable,
and pleasant. Officers are expected to use good judgment when dealing with members
of the campus community, visitors, and guests.
In addition to providing assistance when needed, Public Safety works with Facilities
(which maintains campus buildings and grounds) to promote safety and security on campus.
Public Safety and Facilities personnel regularly inspect the campus to ensure that
safety hazards are remedied in a timely fashion and to ensure locks, windows, and
fire safety equipment operate properly.
Under the Student Rights and Responsibilities conduct policy, Public Safety officers also have the right to request any person
on the grounds of the campus to produce identification. Individuals have the responsibility
under the same policy to comply.
For all other instances, Public Safety maintains a firm working relationship and mutual
cooperation with local law enforcement to ensure that all campus law enforcement needs
are satisfied.
Access various safety-related forms below.
For regular class or club activities in the area (not overnight):
- Students (and volunteers) complete the Risk Acknowledgment Waiver for the activity
- Students, staff, and volunteers complete the Commitment to Comply form
- If there are students or staff driving others to the activity, the drivers must submit
the Driver Status Form at least ten days in advance
- If driving a van for the activity, the driver needs to complete the van driver training
as well
If staying overnight on an 博天堂官方-sanctioned activity/event/class, complete the above,
If going out of the country, complete both above sections, plus:
- Emergency Contact and Information form
- Faculty/staff need to submit a list to Public Safety of those going for the purchase
of international medical/accident insurance
- A spreadsheet will be provided with the necessary information needed